I really love your design and colors , my concern is when i create a power poiint presentation I do not wat to print it in black. Can you give me different ideas?
I looked at the layout from your portfolio ..... VP consulting if we could do something like that like the ASG to the left I would like it. also I like the colors on white..... for letterhead , envelopes etc.
Yes, I have update the design as you request, but I can't submit it because i'm on 3rd rank right now. I need to be first rank to allowed submit new entry.
My very favorite are 116, 117 and 64 thats what I like, and thank you for trying the putting it on the side, but now I see your vision works better. The only thing I would like to see a variety of is the "A" of the ASG......some people say it looks too masculine or like a Car place.