I like your design style...the bars respresents "cell phone service" which is good...but this logo needs to somehow represent "security""safe""trust" and/or somehow represent "refilling" your cell phone service.
#56: I really like how you integrated the bars and arrow here...can I see this logo in the same colors as #55...also...the concept is great but the bars and arrow need to be a little more obvious...it is kind of hard to tell that those are bars until you really look at it...I am not sure how you are going to do this but see what you can do. On a side note...just to see how it looks can you make the arrow actually be part of the "f"...like come out of the bottom of it somehow...I just want to see if it flows.
So far I like your concepts...lets just try to fine tune them by the end of the contest tomorrow...
#102: Make the arrow come out of the bottom of the "f" then swoop up like it does now...instead of comeing out of the side of the "f" make it come out of the bottom somehow.
Im not sure what else to do...I also like the keyhole but wouldnt mind seeing some other variations of this...everything is good though...but you never know what we will see come up in the last day.
Hate to keep being picky here :-)...but can you make the arrow come straight down off of the "f" then angle up instead of kind of sweeping left then right...I am not sure if this will look good but I want to see it. Thanks.
Oh...great...I really like #108...can you make the 3 bars past the "f" stand out more...like use a different color...maybe go back to green...I am not sure...just trying to create some contrast...try a few different things there. Looks great though...I love your style.
I like 108. We are almost getting there. Can you get me the arrow to turn a little bit more. 2nd version do it with capital letters "AutoRefill". Also if you can add the lock as you have in 102. Another version is to incoporate a cellphone inside the aut"o" instead of the lock. please lets try the following until we fine tune..
THank you... I like the phone inside the "o" but it looks like a calculator. is there anyway to make it look more like a smartphone?? Also if you can do one version with capital letters as "AutoRefill" with the A and R being capital??