#18 the logo element doesnt look quite right. Is the logo maybe too big? would it look better with half green and half black? Good concept though - I wondered when someone would use the safety triangle
Also a general comment we are not limited to green,
#16 I think we will have to give a miss, there is not enough contrasting colour. It is though an interesting design
# 15 and #17 I like these designs. In #17 the tick element is lost and does not make much impact. However #15 is great, simple but effective
With #15 we need to be able to see more clearly the text 'safety'. How can we achieve this? Darker green ? Balck text? Maybe you could improve a little. #15 definitely a front runner at the moment.
#21 I dint like immediately on looking, but my wife says this is excellend, and its ceratinly growing on me. Can you tray a couple of alternative greens
#15 is still a favourite for the overall concept, but need to make the safety text more visible, larger text? darker green ? not sure what needs to be done.
#31 #21 its amazing how a small change in colour gives a different view of the logo. i will get some extra review input during the day on which is best!
#32 thanks for that. could you make the text stand of CONFERENCE stand out a little better. bolder ? bigger and wider ? Maybe like the SAFETY in #26. This logo may be useful oustide of this competetion. If it looks OK with these modifications I may contact you with private message on this one.
#23 is a nice design, but i dont feel for the logo element with repect to either automotive or safety. i read mountain and windy road (in shape of S for safety) . It make the mind think too much. We keep it in the pack without any further changes to it.
#32 thanks for that. could you make the text stand of CONFERENCE stand out a little better. bolder ? bigger and/or wider ? Maybe like the SAFETY in #26. This logo may be useful oustide of this competetion. If it looks OK with these modifications I may contact you with private message on this one.
I asked some colleagues to review the logos It came out 50/50 between #21 and #29 #23 also got some votes - actually they thought that the triangle was a warning triangle and of course the S for safety. I however had seen it as a sort of mountain with a winding road ! Starnge how different people see different things. #19 didnt get any support (thats strange to me) as they thought it looked like a forest with trees! Anyway final decision is mine! I think you have done a wonderful job with all the logos and greatly appreciate the time spent. We are just into 'fine tuning' as we enter in to last 24 hours Thanks again
#117 new color variant welcome - thanks #119 doesnt work it italicised text #118 is ok but there is a lot of green and it starts to look like a sports stadium
At this stage you dont need to worry about the current rankings As sponosr I have been moving the rannings around a little to encourage input Your collection of designs are great and will be in the group of three for first place I do apprecaite all your inputs and efforts to date Rankings will be done after competition close