Re Entry No. 6, I like the idea behind the symbolism, but the font and colors are a bit bland. On the contrary, I like the font and colors of #7, but the symbolism does not represent authors nor entrepreneurs. I would also like to see some complement to my Adventures by the Book logo, perhaps a gold starburst or something like that.
I like the idea behind entry #18, #19, #20 and #6, in that they combine the Author part (the pen inside the light bulb - is that a pen? might be more clear) and the entpreneurial part (with the light bulb representing ideas). But I don't like how the logo just sits on top of the text and feel it could be incorporated into a more artistic way. And perhaps just adding a third color, perhaps the golden yellow of a starburst indicating the light bulb is turned on, which ties is more to my Adventures by the Book logo.