#12 : I would like to see the icon part of the logo a little larger when compared to the text. Also, the words 'Nature Photography' need to stand out a little more as "Nature Photography" is more important than the word "Australian".
I love the marks around the outside of the logo - really adds to the photographic feel
Colours in #15 and #16 are wonderful. Love the earthy tones.
Differing fonts for the word 'Australian' and 'Nature Photography are great.and I love how the colour of 'Australian' fits in with the symbol.
My only concern is that when the image is shrunk down to the size I would use to watermark a digital photo on the web, it becomes hard to tell what the symbol is.
Would it be possible to keep the background of the setting sun, maybe making it slightly larger within the confines of the corner marks but have a very simple one or two tone symbol of a bird flying in front of it or animal? (Making the outline of the bird/animal bigger than the sun so it pokes out the edges)?
I apologise if what I am asking is too much or impossible, I appreciate the work you are putting into this :-)
I've done some research on native australian birds and will get started soon. I imagine its quite late where you are, so hopefully I'll have something nice up and ready for when you wake up :)