Hope all is well. I designed for you a cityscape of downtown Austin, TX on a shooting star. Two circles are wheels, I left one entry without the wheels to show what it looks like. The "gets around" buildings are silhouettes of Austin buildings and they are pointing up and down to also show traveling or progressing. Let me know any changes and I'd be glad to oblige. Thanks and good luck with this fun tournament!
Thanks for taking the time to design this. It is not really what we were looking for and I apologize for not giving feedback earlier I am sure that would help and is something for me to keep in mind for next time. Thanks,
Thanks. Yes, with feedback I would have had the drive to make more ideas for ya. I have 5 more ideas just sitting on my computer already ready but I can't submit them. Thanks for following up with me.
I was the first to actually make the actual downtown Austin, it's just smaller and sitting on the shooting star. Shame I couldn't have shown you my large renderings. haha oh well. Thanks again. Take care.
I think now that I added you to the top 5 it should allow you to submit the one you have already completed. I don't want that work to go to waste if there is one we end up really liking. Thanks
It may be hard to see so I'll explain some details. There's a train wrapping around the sky in a cycle over Austin. The darkness of the train can also represent bicycle tires. This design is roughly the aspect of 1:1 so it can fit in many places. Let me know of any changes and I'll do my best. Thank you for the time!