Entry #77: Can you make the letters "AURALIS" look bolder! ;) Auralis is an acronym and comes from the Latin words Aurora Borealis meaning "Southern Lights"...in modern English we'd say "Northern Lights"...you know the ones in Scandinavia in summer ;) If you want you can kind of refer to that "lights" in the logo...
Entry #84: Can you put one hyphen on the left side of "group" and another on the right side?! ;) and also make the word "group" look a bit bolder...just a bit!
Entry #88: Anthony, can you make the word "group", together with the hyphens look more like in logo Entry #69. Also leave a tad more space between "Auralis" and "Group". And put the logo's shadow a bit lower to and make the shadow look rounder & bigger ;)