I like your ideas and I like the slogan. It almost has a feminine look to it which might prevent us from doing this. Also, the springs are on the bottom of the shoe and this makes it look like it is in the shoe.
appreciate ur feedback, i took into some of ur suggestions and made some changes.. not sure how the femminine factor came it but its prolly cos of font.. but usually i like to keep a very simple and minimal style.. im not quite sure if u want logo for shoe or a concept.. since the 1st ranked looked very different to the actual contest but.. will work on my concept if it intrests you..and maybe it can achieve what u lookin for.
Your new one (59) is intersting as well. It almost looks like you have formed the letter A. The simple look is good because Life is Good has that simple approach as well. It is right now not what I would choose but it is the most unique. I wish I could give you some better insight except that I think you are close but it is missing something. I think the top part of the design which I am guessing is the foot needs to be something different or clearer. We are not opposed to changing our logo down the road and I like some of the ones on the sight as you can see by the rankings. The font is important as it could be a stand alone logo and a catchy "A" is key as well.