Lake basic layout Need to improve upper brown block...too many leaves...need to incorpate other fall items, festival items, and or crafty items. I see the "Fall" side of the logo but nothing that gives me the "Festival" side. Is it possible incorporate some portion of the logo pertaining to lake or water (we are a park right on a large lake and would like to use that to our advantage.
Entry 28...can we get a Black and White version? Can we also look at removing the two middle leaves and replacing with someone playing a stringed instrument...banjo, guitar, or something similar.
REALLY like this logo...can we get the Lake removed (actual lake shape) the same fashion you did the blue (to represent the lake on the bottom) can you put a darn green behind the sail boat in the same shape as the water (to represent the trees) (take it to the bottom of the leaves.)
Hope this helps...let me know if you have any questions...