I like the basic design..black and white works well "Something for Everyone" needs to be a bit more parrallel with circle. Instead of three leaves...would like to see something more related to festivals. Harvest Moon, Corn Shocks, something crafty, Not sure what I want exactly.
more 'crafty' - you can do a separate version with separate elements and the words... that will translate easily to 1 color I will show you an example.
We do not like the lettering...too bold and dominating...do not like the small letter design (needs Caps) Orange flower too dominating...would like to see changed to a yellow sunflower. Would like to see something with music..maybe as easy as just putting musical note on design. Instead of watering can, can we get a crock? Would like 3 instead of 2 flower design
Can you do me a favor and send it in a black and white form? Would like to see how that would print...
#6...have you had a chance to work on those modifications...commented are listed below. Like the basic design..black and white works well "Something for Everyone" needs to be a bit more parrallel with circle. Instead of three leaves...would like to see something more related to festivals. Harvest Moon, Corn Shocks, something crafty, Not sure what I want exactly
Would like the same logo modified in two different ways...
We are really liking the logo...just one change...
#22...can you take the yellow flower located in Top Left and replace it with a sunflower... #22...can you take the yellow flower located in Top Left and replace it with a pumpkin...