Attitude of GratitudeLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 331 designs from 36 different designers from around the world.






















Thank you for your entry. I love the colours. I like the font on the words 'attitude' and 'gratitude' I love the concept of including a person in the design. Could you replace the leaves with a love heart. I like the idea of the word 'of' being an infinity symbol but I dont think the one you have done is easily recognisable as the word 'of'. Could you try another design of the infinity symbol for the word 'of'? Could you please take the fill out of the little butterflies and make them little infinity symbols.

Attitude of Gratitude
13 years ago
If you could please try the word 'of' as a stand alone word that would be good. Try not wrapping it around the other words.
13 years ago
I love the person symbol. Could you please make the heart fill up its body. Turn the top of the love heart towards the body, but not completely on its side. Then make it less of a traditional heart shape, make it look full. The heart you have in this design is a little bit too plain. WIth the little butterflies could you please try joining two infinity symbols together to make the wings. There are other entries with this design concept. I also like the way you had more of the 2 tone look in your first design. Can you find a way to incoporate more of the 2 tone colours please?
13 years ago
I liked your first butterlies. Can you just take the fill out of them and make the outline an infinity symbol?
13 years ago
On seconds thoughts if you can make that 'of' word into more of an infinity symbol then the butterflies do not need to represent infinity symbols. The word 'of' is closer. I still think it is a bit hard to recognise as the word 'of'. : )
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree about the butterflies...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #280 with dots between the words in the slogan...
13 years ago
I like the logo for the moment. Can we please work on the writing? My favourite font is in entry #283. I would like you to please extend the neck on all of your letter 't'. I also love the tagline in capital letters like in #283. I would still like the word 'of' to be a bit clearer please.
13 years ago
I really like the colours used in #290. They are very close to yours but a little bit different.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #310
- used new font, "t" neck extended;
- put tag line in capital letters;
- made one more intervention to "of" symbol;
- executed colors matching with entry #290;
Hope the improvements satisfy you.
Waiting on your comments.
Will be up for another hour (it's 2:40am).
13 years ago
I love the colour change. The tagline font looks good. Could you please show me the tagline with brown dots in between the blue words. Could you also put the dots up a bit higher, half way up the words. Perhaps make them a little bit bigger if possible?

Could you also show me a version of the tagline with brown writing and green/blue dots?

I love the font adjustment on Attitude and Gratitude. I am still not happy with the word 'of'. could you try making the 'o' smaller please. It does not need to be the most obvious infinity symbol, it is more important that it can be easily read. If it is too hard to use an infinity symbol then we could just try a nice font.

Looking good!
13 years ago
There is something that I love about the shadow on #290. I think that it is darker in the middle and then fades out. Could you please try that?
13 years ago
However, that shadow change may not work because your design is not a complete sphere look. What do you think?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I have just get up from bed...give me 30 min to have breakfast and i will try to make all of the changes.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #324
- tagline with brown dots in the middle;
- "o" in "of" made smaller;
- dark shadow.
Entry #325
- tagline brown color with blue dots in the middle;
- used a font for "of";
- dark shadow.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
New entry #326

- slight changes of the body of the human;
- new font for "of" letters;
- more space and larger dots between the words in tagline...

I am strongly supporting this design. What is your opinion?

13 years ago
Logo Designer
one more thing for entry #326
- changed color of the shadow.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #327
- brown tagline text with blue dots.
13 years ago
I like #327. All of those changes look good.
13 years ago
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