Were going to use this with our phone number so need it to more iconic eye catching our slogan is simply the best we need something linked with our city and easily recognisable. On our cars/workwear/stationery
Dear CH, thanks for the feedback. I submitted the revision and add the slogan into the logo. But I'm sorry I can't use the tyre tracks since its the concept of someone else in this contest (#27) and I don't want to make any violation... Hope this make sense.. Please feel free to comment or ask. Thank you Oz
Thanks for revisions. The slogan could be in a different font? In my spec I put tyre tracks as an option, but how about using boxes as some of the others? How about something link to our city? It is one of the largest ports in UK.
Hi, the city is southampton right? If so, I hope my new concept is enough to represents the Southampton Bargate.. Please feel free to comment or ask. Thank you! Cheers