This is for a Brand of Supplements. We'd like to stay away from those types of figures if possible. Do you have any other ideas that would convey the message of "high quality, all natural, all athletes"...perhaps golds and red tones?
This is much more along the lines of what we were thinking. Is there any other fonts that look good? I will show this to a few others in the company and see what they think. Is there a way to make the pyramid a little crisper? I had visions of a pyramid in the background like that and the Leaf adds nicely to the All Natural feel.
I think they definitely need a different font and even some gradient added to it if possible. I envisioned a pyramid behind, so I like where you're going with this and with the leaf in the middle...I think the Font needs to be crisper and gradient...I like where you're going.
Is there anyway you can do the rounded corner near the A on entry #28 so it looks even? I will get some opinions on the color scheme as well. Thank you!
Did you try Entry #31 for instance having "All straight lines"? Straight line for the pyramids, instead of the rounded tops? Did that look good to you? I'd like that visual if possible so I can compare. I'm waiting for feedback from other members of the company. These are great in my opinion!
Just showed to one member of management and he said it's a bit hard to make out "Athlete's Best". Any suggestions with how to "Simplify" the design at all?
Thank you for your work. Any other suggestions for what could go in the middle? The leaf design isn't winning over the other member's of management for some reason, even though I personally like them. Will try and send some additional feedback later today for you.
On Entry #34 (or all for that matter), maybe if the leaves looked a little different...more definition on them. I've had people tell me that the two leaves with the ball looks like a "dogs nose"... Also, maybe the word "Athlete's" could be a little less 'squished' in the middle.. I am still getting input from others, so I will update as I get more feedback for you. Thank you
Maybe the Athlete's Best should be in one box...Maybe that would be easier for people to read. Also, I definitely think the leaf design needs to be re-worked somehow. More definition...maybe something a tad different in there? I still like that concept you've made, but do you have something a little "simpler" in mind? I need to win over some of the other people I have checking out the examples. Thanks and I look forward to some revisions tomorrow!
Is there anyway to create some "flow" with the logo design that you've made? I honestly don't know how to go about that or where to suggest. My favorite background for depth is on #34 for example. The colors behind the text and outlining the pyramid are shaded very well!
What if you tried something like #34...with green leaves? That may not look good. Just a suggestion. The text would need to show Athlete's Best a little better as well. Thanks again and I'll be in touch in the morning.
What if we saw #90 having "BEST" in the Same Block as "Athlete"...kind of similar to what you did in #70, but place the "moving" lines before "Best" like you did in #75... How do you think that would look?
Sorry, I meant Keep the #90 look, but have the "Athlete's Best" in one box like you did in Entry 70. But if you could put the 3 Moving Lines before the Word Best, that may look nice (as seen before Best in #92)
Too many colors on #113. Not in love with the flaming ball. Do you have any other suggestions on how we could position #34? I like the two toned background behind "Athlete"...
I am still drawn to your designs for the supplement bottle logo... Please reference Entry #39. What if you tried a bottom such as that, as I loved the two toned color background behind Athletes... And if you added a leaf to each side? But I would need to see some definition on the leaves. OR Can you try making that Text as TWO Toned Font? And add depth to the leaves on each side? You could try Green Text (two toned like the background behind Athlete's on Example #39) and Gold Leaves? Or Blue Text and Green Leaves??
On Entry #96, could you try a gold Pyramid with the shading like you've done before and keep the leaf within. And Add the Gradient Font next to it as well. I liked the font that cjosephgray had before he was withdrawn from the contest. Could you do that? I'm not sure why Logo Court deleted him.
On #175 - Try this...Make a slightly larger pyramid - Move it Closer to the Athlete's Best Text. Put color WITHIN the text and add gradients to it...Add shading around the text if needed...let's try that. I want all Capital Letters, so try a different font with that design.
I will get back to you on entry #200. I'd eliminate the black lines from everything. It's getting late here, so I'll be back in the morning. It's really a toss up between the three top designers right now! Never realized how difficult this tournament would be. So much talent!
On #201, I'd probably just get rid of the leaves completely. Also, with that design, I may opt for your Blue & Green tones. ie: Entry #41 Blues & Green.
We've decided that the Simpler designs look better in combination with the Label that will be going on the Supplement Bottle. We'll most likely have a gradient color moving half way up the bottle leading into a white area for the Logo we decide on. We're moving more towards the nice fonts and line designs that are clean.
Your latest one is actually very good and I like the "A.B."...however, we have pretty much decided on going with Ranked #1 at this point. The response has been pretty overwhelming on that one. We really appreciate all of your hard work during this contest and thank you for participating!