Entry #12 is a good concept. Please revise by removing the "@" symbol and replace with "At". Also, the type is too refined and delicate and will be lost from a distance. Can you make it a little more bold?
Entry #10 is one of the team favorites. The problem I have with it is that the name of the company is not real easy to read. It's very clever how you incorporated the letters into the roof line of the house, but if the name could "pop" more, that would help. Right now, the emblem of the house is more memorable than the name of the company.
It's looking pretty good. I'd like to see entry #19 with another font - one that is just as bold. Also, I'd like to see without the tinted background. I'm really liking it.
Entries 41 & 67 are definitely my favorites of your entries. Louisville is not a large city, so your newer entries wouldn't work. We just don't have that many buildings. Thank you so much.