Nice idea with the A but it looks a bit too Regal. Can you do something else along these lines and also incorporate Design & Events into the logo somehow.
can you play around with the A from entry # 55 and include some other fonts for Astor Floral Co. Also we would like to incorporate the words Design & Events into the design as well
How about if we take 84 imagine that we were going to make a sticker out of it. We need to include Design & Events into it in a smaller not so elegant type....something just really clean and simple before the bottom. We'd would also like to see some different styles for the astor font. I feel like it could use a little bit of black or dark gray in the font. Maybe for the Floral CO. or Design & Events.
Nice work, can you make one final change so that we can make our final decision. We were thinking if you take 125 and make the flower a coral color so it looks more like a flower and less like cabbage and then stretch the flower out so it bleeds off the sides and the top like it does in #84 and make the grey background a shade or two lighter so that there is still a nice contrast between the background and the flower. You can use the same fonts from #124 that you used for Astor and Floral Co. but make it white. the line below floral co. should be coral and the font for Design and Events should be white as well and in the same font as floral co. And finally instead of the rounded edges for the border can you just make it a regular rectangle with pointy edges. I hope this is not too confusing. If you have any questions please feel free to send me a message. We look forward to seeing the changes
thanks, looks good. We like 135 but would like to see the flower not bleed out of the rectangle and the design and events font needs to be changed to the same font you used for floral co. Also is the line below floral co the same color as the flower because it looks a bit darker.