Thank you for all of your efforts to try adding a subliminal play button. It just doesn't look like it will work.
I know that I definitely want to change the font used for "Association Studios". Maybe helvetica neue?
Are there any other slight modifications to the "AS" we might want to consider? Anything to look luxury, masculine, and powerful.
Finally, did you see my message about the follow up logo called "marine team"? The thought is underneath the "AS" would be the words "marine team". Somewhere (maybe bottom right) will be an ocean wave (maybe like Japanese tattoo art) and if possible some drone looking element.
Knowing that, could you see this "AS" fitting in that logo?
Ronan, the open phase is coming to an end and we have received a lot of great logos. #107 is still my favorite. I understand that adding the subliminal play button probably won't happen. I really wish it could.
How about we try a different shape, like a star.
Thank you for all of your efforts to helps us create the best logo.
Ronan, this logo (#107) is still my favorite. I am very happy with it but still wish there was some way to include the play button in a subliminal way like the FedEx logo.
Thank you Ronan, I definitely prefer the white space in the original version, #107. Are you familiar with the FedEx logo and the arrow that forms in the letters?
Spititz, thank you for submitting this design. How do you think we can create some sort of video shape to the "AS"? Maybe with a play button (triangle pointing right) in the A or between the AS.
Comment Activity
I've just added the final files for the selected logo.
Please let me know how would you proceed for the "Marine Team" variation.
Here is my email if needed :
Best regards,
That sounds good to me, let's go like this.
Here is a new font on #379. Following your message, I've also uploaded a "marine team" proposal, just to see (#380).
Thank you for all of your efforts to try adding a subliminal play button. It just doesn't look like it will work.
I know that I definitely want to change the font used for "Association Studios". Maybe helvetica neue?
Are there any other slight modifications to the "AS" we might want to consider? Anything to look luxury, masculine, and powerful.
Finally, did you see my message about the follow up logo called "marine team"? The thought is underneath the "AS" would be the words "marine team". Somewhere (maybe bottom right) will be an ocean wave (maybe like Japanese tattoo art) and if possible some drone looking element.
Knowing that, could you see this "AS" fitting in that logo?
Maybe an idea here : by changing the shape of the A, we can see a play button appear.
Thanks again for your feedback.
I think the star can work well. Please see the entry #302
How about we try a different shape, like a star.
Thank you for all of your efforts to helps us create the best logo.
Unfortunately, that's very difficult to include in a subliminal way, as the shapes and angles are not matching at all....
What do you think about entry #217, playing on a subtle color variation to make the play button appear ?
Here is a proposal, with a hidden "play button" between stylised A and S.
Here is a proposal, with a hidden "play button" between stylised A and S.
Do you think we can make the shape of the "A" or "AS" form the play button?
Thanks for your feedback.
Here is the requested variation on design #110 and #111.
Please let me know if you need any improvement.
Best regards,