Hi, wondering about some design that combines entry 1 and 4? The S looks good from 4, maybe with the leaves over the "i"? or other ideas? This is a clean and strong line of logos.
Dear CH, Many thanks for your Advice, Because its really-really helped me. And I already updated my logo at entry #115 as your request. Please let me know.
Thank you for the adjustment. We are debating internally. Logo 115 is interesting, but may be too tech-like for our needs. One of the reasons that we ranked you in the top five is that we are very impressed by your profile. Your designs for JMO Realty, TEROL TERRASSEMENT and Integrated Healthcare Systems. I know it is late in the game tto ask you to innovate something new from whole cloth, but if you could consider trying a redesign we are interested to see what you will innovate.
Hmmm, we seem to be having some internal disagreement on this one. While I really like 251, I got this response from a partner:
"i dunno, 251 kinda looks like a radioactive symbol lo this guy needs to stop fixating on the leaves! find a different inspiration tell him that, see what creative juices flow"
I understand it's a challenge to design when you're getting mixed messages, but if you want to re-imagine (one more time) we might be able to find something that the team can agree on.