Aspire! Empower!Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Aspire! Empower!

Aspire! Empower! has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 324 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.












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Entry #27 - I really really LOVE this one....however, you need to find a way to put Career Coaching Group in the logo because that is what says what I do! Please try again...

Also, I'd prefer not to use orange...can you try another color?

Great font choices, don't change them! :)
14 years ago
Entry #31 - Thank you for incorporating the career coaching group, but just as I suspected, now it appears to be very's too heavy on the right side of the logo. Can you do anything about that? Or just try a different logo with these fonts? And add a graphic?
14 years ago
Thank you so much for your work!

RE: Entry 32 - I really like the look of this. And, I like the graphic, but it still doesn't speak much to what I do. Perhaps you can turn it into a flume (pen)? It sort of looks like one already....

Re: #34 - I see that you were trying to make it more specific to my field by turning it into a person, so thank you. I need to look at this for while to come up with any changes, or tell you what I think. Not sure yet...

14 years ago
Re: Entry 33 - I really love it, and it's growing on me more and more. I am just trying to decide if I can do without a graphic, but it looks very sleek, and that is good. :) Thanks for your work!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your quick responds so far Lauralhr.

I'm sorry for not giving the quick feedback in this comment page. But I can assure you that I'll try my best in giving the right revisions based on your feedback.

My latest revision (entry #35)
Thank you!

Kind Regards,
14 years ago
#35 - wow...beautiful job. I truly appreciate your efforts. I feel like we are so close. I keep going back and putting this in first, and then 2nd, and back again. What I came up with is that I'm not "getting" the graphic (mountain plus the flume). Can you do something along the reaching for the stars theme?

BTW, I absolutely LOVE your font choices, and the way all the words are positioned, so please don't change any of that.

14 years ago
Entry #47 - Really like this idea!

Few things. It's hard to tell exactly what is in his hand. Can you take the X out of his hand, and put a small star separate that he's reaching for? You can even make it a different color like coral or silver? or something other than black.

Also, is there a person that can look less less masculine? I really prefer more feminine than masculine, and this seems to be getting away from this a bit. Thank you! :)
14 years ago
#35...I've been thinking about it, and while I don't dig the flume, I do like the mountain idea! Very interesting. Can you give me a logo with just a mountain?? Thanks so much!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer

#35... I'm sorry for not visualizing this clearly. These mountains are actually some pieces of papers (resume letters).
Thank you!
My revisions (#51)
14 years ago

Hi again! Thank you so much for your submissions!

Quick request. Can you try the mountain in a different color?

Thank you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer

I'm glad to see your further guidance on this.
Thank you!

(Reference entry: #79)

Kind Regards,
14 years ago
#79 - Love this one! So does my hubby and all of his male friends (important to note, given that I work with a lot of men).

Can you play with the font choices a bit? I would like to see some other options (keep career coaching group AS IS...I love this font!). They don't even have to be different fonts

Also, can you make the Career Coaching Group black (not silver), as it's a bit hard to read.

But, overall, I really LOVE the yellow mountains...great touch!

14 years ago
One more thing...can you please try #47 again with a person that is slightly less masculine? Also, it sort of looks like he has chopsticks in his hands. Can you have him reaching for a star of a different color?
14 years ago
Can you also give me a version with a whistle? Like a Coach's whistle - one that they wear around their neck?? Just a thought! :) Sorry if I'm being difficult...I just really want to be in love with it! :) :)

14 years ago
Ok, sorry to bother you! One more thing on 79. It's not the whole font that I want changed...I'd really just like to see a different font for aspire. Not sure what...just play with it. :)

And, there needs to be a bit of a space between the exclamation mark after aspire! and the word they are not viewed as one word. Thanks!!

Should be more like aspire! empower! not aspire!empower!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your feedback on my latest revisions.

I'm sorry for not following your brief to develop the 'person figure' that reaching the star, because as I see this concept has been proposed by another designer and there is no description of this concept on the brief. So it is his concept that we can not develop. I hope you understand this situation.

My latest revisions (#87 #88 #90).
Thank you!

14 years ago
I understand...can you at least refine your version #47 by taking the chopsticks out of his hand, and making it more feminine??
14 years ago
#87 - thank you so much! I really like it with the words separated. :)

I think I've figured out what it is about the font. I'd keep the empowerr. It's the aspire that is throwing me off, because it seems so much larger and longer than the empower. Thank you!

Would it be helpful if I gave you some fonts that I like? :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for clarifying the problems of the fonts.

I know that the 'aspire' word much longer and larger than the 'empower'. But if we re-size the 'aspire' to be the same size as 'empower', then the tagline of 'Career Coaching Group' would not be placed right in the middle of the logo.

(Reference entry #93)

Thank you!
14 years ago
Hmmm....I see exactly what you are saying! I'm not sure how to address that! I just think that the aspire was too long before. I like it a bit more now. I'm not sure what other feedback to give....

Any chance you could reread my brief and try a completely new design since we can't figure out the font thing....

I hate to do this to you, so if you don't want to...I understand!
14 years ago
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