I have to work on your contest, because I was enthralled by the message you want to convey to the world. Love the way you stand for empowerment and the ability to live the life you want to live and let go of the burden.
Having said this, here are my designs for you. I have tried to stay simple and convey the overall tone subtly, but with an level of clarity.
Thank you so much, not only for your enthusiasm and kind words, but also for your awesome submissions! I REALLY like #34 & #50, but I do not think the group will agree with me. ;) Some of us like the more edgy/professional feel and others of us like the super-soft feel. Hence, we are searching for balance.
1) #34- could we see this with the font all in the same size and just a tiny bit softer feel (maybe more neutral color schemes. (We're finding that by capitalizing the A, it often reminds us of "a scent"... like a smell.)
2) #35- could we see a version of this with the S in more of an abstract shape of a woman's head? (See our example upload in the brief... we LOVED that concept. It doesn't have to be just the same, but I'm wondering if the same type of concept might work in this design. Possibly not.)
3) #40- I like this general concept as well (especially the blocked in 121), but maybe some different variations of this. More neutral color schemes, different designs.
I could keep going... they all have a lot of promise. Thanks so much!
Thank you so much! We had some issues come up yesterday afternoon and weren't able to discuss as a group. I'm getting some feedback via email and we have asked for a 48-hour extension, but yes- I think it's safe to say that you'll be moving into Phase 2 with us. We really like the design concept. We will probably ask for some different variations, but I was saving that for Phase 2 or 3 so as not to ask too much of you, too early. Let's narrow our scope some more and then we'll provide additional feedback. Thanks so much!!!
(btw- as of now, the extension has not yet been granted. I probably should have requested earlier- but that's ok. We're not too worried about it if it doesn't come through. I think we have a lot to work with with the existing designs.)
Appreciate your feedback very much. When things got clearer I will be around.
As for the extension, don't worry because they are only granted during the workdays (that means staff will be on top of it Monday or Tuesday for sure).
The short answer, Yes. Extensions are always granted the first time, it is due to reasons like the one you have mentioned (communication roadblocks, trips, vacations, etc.)
I see that the extension went through. I have made you one extra option with the abstract woman's head. It is mainly for comparison (since you might like it better or not). It depends on personal taste.
Also I just saw your public comment to the contest. I hope you didn't worry too much about, since as I mentioned the contests get extended Monday or Tuesday ( I meant in that range specifically, and probably not in the early hours of a Monday). Sorry if that was confusing.
I'm not sure... we don't have a specific request. Thought maybe you might have some ideas. We like the font & the arc. We didn't love the butterflies (or birds). Something feminine (though not necessarily a head) and symbolic, if possible. But we have not completely ruled out the abstract shapes either. We just wanted to see some other ideas on this design.