ASAP PlumbingLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / ASAP Plumbing ASAP Plumbing has selected their winning logo design. For $400 they received 230 designs from 20 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by ina Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #129 Withdrawn New #128 Withdrawn New #127 Withdrawn New #126 Withdrawn New #125 Withdrawn New #124 Withdrawn New #123 Withdrawn New #122 Withdrawn New #121 Withdrawn New #103 Withdrawn New #102 Withdrawn New #101 Withdrawn New #100 Withdrawn New #99 Withdrawn New #96 Removed New #26 Discussion katiehorner Client I like this whimsical, colorful yet classy design. 11 years ago katiehorner Client Your logo is still one of our favorites. I would like to see a version that makes the water drop clean and sparkly. Can you make the circle the rain drop lives in have a purpose? 11 years ago Ivan F LogoTournament Staff The drop and leaf logo is not allowed to be submitted as per terms. Sorry. 11 years ago katiehorner Client Why did you withdraw? You were one of my favorites? 11 years ago ina Logo Designer hi..I will try,, 11 years ago