No worries. :)
Unfortunately we are not allowed to provide an email address while a contest is still in any open stage. Doing so, would violate my terms with Logotournament and can result in a ban from the site. However you can contact Ivan (admin) by clicking on the help button and he can direct you on how to upload or even permit, that you send the file directly to me. Another option would be using a site like were you can link the drawing to me by pasting the link and I can then download it. Also, please keep in mind that some adjustments to a final logo are expected. After the contest ends, we can then complete the process and obligation with Logotournament and we are free to work one on one. At that point the zebra can then be switched out. Don't worry, about the final logo you receive here, it's not set in stone and I'll be happy to rework the zebra.
BTW - is the drawing your original work and is it what you would like to incorporate? Or would it need to be redrawn? If it's your work, that'll give it a more personal touch to showcase your work. If it's only a sketch for an idea, that works too. :)
Thanks again!