1) Make the AB in the background a bit darker, it's too light grey right now. 2) Incorporate a path or some type of winding road / hot air ballon to symbolize a journey
I love #54….but swap out the background 'ab' for something that signified a journey. perhaps a sunrise over hills or a path or a road….take creative liberty.
ya I feel like the hot air balloon only looks good if its going over hills or something. Just the hot air balloon by it's self makes us look like a hot air balloon company
Please see #155 as an update to your request for a path. I however had to remove #94, as in hindsight it was soo close in comparison, concept wise, to a fellow designer. I will upload a few variations of #155 momentarily
#160 is so close. It's exactly what I asked for but it's not quite it. It looks tooo bland…hmmm….perhaps have the end of the trail flow into the '.com' so it looks like its part of the side of the path. maybe the path should be going into some hills. I can't put my finger on it, but it's an art site so it needs to be creative. Through some ideas at me.
I was thinking in a similar direction, for a variation...with mountains the in background, or the sunrising at the end of the path. Ill come up with a few, an update in a few hours
After making the above edits on #54, can you also incorporate the "road" / "path" in #160 in this logo as well without changing or altering the AB letters (Maybe use the path/road as a 3rd layer). We love the AB cursive letters but we also don't want to make them seem as if the letters are vampire stakes in the grounds symbolizing being held down
Oh I totally forgot to mention, that only the # 1 ranked designer can upload during the judging mode. I'd have to be ranked first to upload the modifications. I have completed the updates to the border and shadow, working on combining both the path and AB.
Very nice - now let's throw a shadow under neath the AB, let's go back 1 shade lighter in the AB and let's incorporate a winding road without changing the font of the AB (add winding road as layer 3) and we should be set!
on #237 can you place the 'AB' between 'artist' and 'bound' and can you take off the bottom of the 'A' that looks like a stake. So just have the bottom of the 'A' end when it hits the bottom of the "B"….so just erase the very bottom stake looking part from the bottom of the 'AB'.
on #237 can I see a version with the right side of the "A" on the "AB" as a paint brush and the bottom of the "A" that looks like the stake….have it be the tip of the brush
#238 is nice. Could you make the following edits please to #238 -
1) Please put the winding road under the word "Bound" like it is in #236. But keep the width and shape of the road as it is in #238.
2) Please make the part of the "A" that sticks out of the "B" a paint brush. This part looks like a flag pole in the ground and symbolizes being tied down. We want that portion of the "A" sticking out to be a paintbrush.
3) Please make it so it looks like that pant brush itself drew the winding path in this logo.
4) Please move the word "Artist Bound" up about a 1/4 inch so that the word "Artist Bound" is where the B intersects the A at the highest point. Also please space out the words Artist Bound by 1/8 of an inch.
Just to be clear - please do not remove the outline on the AB letters just remove the black filling from the paintbrush tip and outline the paintbrush tip.
All the edits above are only in reference to the paint brush TIP not the paint brush itself. Just to clarify, all feedback above is only to be done on the TIP/brush part of the paint brush.
#258 is amazing! Can you put back the shadow of the "AB" though, like you had it before...cast down onto the path. Perhaps have the paint brush painting the left side of the path instead of the right so there is space for a shadow to be cast down the path. Thanks
Ok thanks for the feedback...there are actually a few lines in the tip, may need to make them a little bigger, or maybe make them a different colour, are you opposed to a different colour within the tip....say black or a dark grey....i know the tip would need to correspond with the colour of the path, but it may need a darker colour to make it more visible at the size its at presently.
Can you try making the black lines in the tip bolder? I think 3-4 black in the tip lines should do. Also, once you put the shadow on on the path without moving/changing the "AB", that should be good!