ArtistBound.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / has selected their winning logo design.

For $450 they received 269 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.








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Logo Designer
my version of the & yellow orange combo color to represent creativity
11 years ago
Please utilize a symbol that represents a journey and use more bold grey/silver. Remove pencil and put a symbol that does not limit the connection with artists who don't use pencils.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok thanks for the direction...'will work on it and submit again later :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
here it new version compass inspired icon, pls check my entries #158 & #159. thanks :)
11 years ago
#158 is a great idea with the compass. I love the idea…. but I don't like the way it looks. Can you make the colors all matte finished and have the compass look antique. Like rustic
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok 'will work on it and submit again later, thanks
11 years ago
Logo Designer
here it is as per your last comments...pls check my entry #187 & 188, antique compass inspired.

thanks :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
here's another...entry #190
11 years ago
Ok so we are getting hot here! :) I'd like to see you combine a few things. Take the compass from 190 and the 'A' from 187. Use them both. Also can you make the compass a little more recognizable, so everyone can clearly see thats what it is. Also make the 'artist' flat matte blue and the bound charcoal black and the 'A' and compass (O) both flat, matte red.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
ok 'will do and submit again later, thanks :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
here it is as per your last comments...pls check my revised entries #218, #219, #225 & #226.

thanks :)
11 years ago
For #219 - we love it! Please make the following edits -

1) Make one leg of the compass letter "A" a pencil (

2) Make the "i" a paintbrush and the dot on "i" look like the "i" paint brush put the dot there (use red color paint?)

3) The "O" in the bound is too cluttered. Can you remove 2-3 of the inner circles in the "O" and put a N for North, S for South, E for East and W for West on the compass (like an actual compass)

4) Can you incorporate some type of a winding path or a symbol that represents a journey into this logo? Maybe use a second layer behind the logo letters and incorporate curving roads? Maybe use a hot air ballon to symbolize a journey? I am not as creative as you so obviously I am just giving my ideas. We really want to tell the customer that bound does not mean "held down" but it means freedom.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
i'd love to do that but only the top 5 ranked designers can only submit at this phase.

thanks :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Ooops sorry, i mean the top(1st) rank designer can only submit at this stage of the contest...
11 years ago
You can now leave an updated logo - We have extended the contest.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
ok thanks, i'll work on it again and submit later :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's the revised versions based on your last comments...pls check my entries #240, #241 & #253, thanks :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
...and color option for the path in red, entry #254
11 years ago
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