Please make this look less like a religious cross. We love the idea but it looks too much like a cross. Also, please utilize a symbol that represents a journey and use more bold grey/silver.
Thank you very much for your comment. I didn't mean for it to look like a cross. I've done quite a few changes on the idea and uploaded #53. I added a road to represent journey, changed the colors and made it to look better at smaller sizes and reworked the text to be more bold and to differentiate the dark grey from the silver.
If you think of anything else, don't hesitate to ask! I will be around!
Take the figure from #50 and add long hair to make it resemble a woman (same body shape though) and put her on the end of a path, instead of just the line you have on #53. Have the 'artist' be matte blue and the 'bound' be matte red
#53 is close, but put the arms back down like in the other ones. Also make the name (ArtistBound) the same blue and green. Also can you have her hair waving behind her head like she is in the wind…So not a pony tail like you have in some of the others.
#163 is getting really close. Can you manipulate the dots around her to make it slightly more clear that it's wind blowing past a woman…as apposed to possibly being consuetude as a tree. Also make the arm and hair slightly further apart….and make the 'bound' written in friendly handwriting.
Put a little more texture in the hair. By having a little more white show through on the hair between the locks of hair it will help differentiate it from the head which is just solid.Also I want to see the 'bound' in a more thin pencil looking font….like it got written in.
Have the 'Artist' have a capital 'A' and be bold and thick and the 'bound' have a lower case 'b' and be thin as though it was written in after in pencil.
Make the 'a' capitalized and make the 'd' at the end have a little loop in the top, instead of just a straight line…to make it look like it was written quickly
Uploaded five more. I used the tablet to write 'bound' .. "in a hurry". Added more space between the hair and the hands and done the color and font thickness changes.
Thank you for being so responsive. It's very helpful. I don't like the matte blue after all. #173 is still my favorite, but can you integrate the green tone from #178, as well as the arm and hair being slightly further apart like in #178. Also I like the font in #173, the only change I would like to see is a loop on the top of the 'd' like in #174 but have the loop leaning away from the name, instead of toured it.
So I think I said it wrong, I meant the 'd' from 174. I just wanted the loop a little less straight. Also in 174 it's leaning slightly in and I want it to lean slightly out. Sorry I know this is minor. I appreciate your patience.
It's honestly not a problem. I just want to get the changes right. If you feel it could be tweaked more or that I misunderstood the request, please bear with me.
Also, the font for artist in #174 and the subsequent entries with it, it's not actually a font. It's my scribbly handwriting. :)
Ok I know I'm being a little crazy detailed about this, but it's just that I love it and I really think I'm going to choose it, but I need to convince my partners so I'm trying to make it just perfect before I present it to them tonight. So let me try to be very clear.
1) start with #173 as a base 2) make the '.com' the same blue as 'artist' 3) make the 'bound' Adobe "Jenna Sue" font 4) separate the arm from the hair slightly, but don't do it by extending the neck, rather trim a very slight amount of hair off the bottom of the hair and lower the arm very slightly 5) this is just because…..can I see the word 'artist' in typewriter font :) 6) thanks a ton :)))
Done. Uploaded two options with the typewriter because I found it interesting one with a distressed effect and a normal one. Also took out a bit of the hair to increase the distance to the hand, used the Jenna Sue font for bound, made the .com blue.
#200 hit the nail on the head!!!! I love it. I feel like the 'artist' could use an artistic flare. The fonts a little bland. Can you throw a few different fonts for 'artist' at me.
make the '.com' a little smaller and line it up with the right margin. Also can I see one with 'artist' in the same fount as the bound (still blue though)
We love the logo and color! We just want to see a different color combination to see what it will look like. Can you use bold red, metallic silver and deep blue as the colors? I think we have a beautiful logo here!
This is probably the best logo we have seen. Could you possibly play around with colors and make it look EVEN better? I know it might be hard but I would love to see your creativity with the colors.
Gotta say that there is something about the colors in #246 that appeals to me. You could also consider having the dot part of the 'i' in 'artist' in the logo since it seem to tie the text better to the graphic.