I still like the flames, but I was thinking more that the head of the note would be the part on fire, not just notes in the flame. Imagine the note re-entering the atmosphere and burning up. :) I'm not sure if the entire note (with stem, flag, etc) would be engulfed in flames, or just the head of the note.
Hey, my partner pulled you off the top 5 cause he wasn't seeing anything. I really like the potential of this idea. Are you still with us? (I hope so!).
Thanks for getting back to us. I wanted to clarify my direction...the original flames (#119) are amazing, really cool. I wouldn't change those. Inside the front of the flames you have the white space (we've been calling the lion's mouth!). I was thinking of a single note head, that takes up that particular space. The oval note head, would be inside that portion. For example: http://biorust.com/tutorials/cinema4d-pyrocluster/meteor1.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/wazigbe/726975296/ Here's a couple meteor pics where the flames are engulfing and trailing the rock part of the meteor meatball thing? Imagine that meatball part is the oval of the note head...the stem and flag of the note could extend above and outside the flames. Does that help. I'm sorry my descriptions are so terrible. You're design is really amazing, the flames are what makes it.
I think i understand now. When playing with this concept I noticed it worked perfectly when combining the stem with the eye. I really love the result, came out amazing. I did a mark only submission to really showcase the new design I like it so much.
This is really, really close. Thank you. Make sure the fire is emanating from the note head itself. Like the note head is the cause of the fire (like the meteor examples), not like the note is "placed" in the flames. Does that make sense?
this is as close as I am able to combine the head and the note without losing the identity of both. I understand what you want but I am afraid joining the two completely will destroy the whole concept which becomes pointless.
Okay. That's a shame. I feel like I'm miscommunicating with you. Right now the flame looks too much like a wolf's head. The current note head is too small for the flames. The flames are the right proportion (and brilliantly drawn, I might add, especially in the original). What's missing is the look for the flame engulfing and coming from the note head. The stem and the flag of the note would not be inside the flames or on fire. Please work with us, I can't tell you how much I like this concept. Your idea has the energy and style that I prefer and have been looking for. We're/you're almost there with this. Please work with us.
The time difference has made it impossible to get a design in on time. I will resubmit tonight my time if I am still able to but I dont think I can during judging.
I will be flying home most of today so let me know if you extend your contest.
One question if I do proceed is "do you want the head in the concept at all? or are you just asking for a note that looks like its flaming like a meteor on re-entry?"