Hello! We would like to choose this design as the winner! Would you please send files of this one, in addition to the following variations:
Colored Background: just like #388
Black & White
Solid Colors
Thank you so much!!
Fantastic thank you! That's exactly what we were thinking. We're going to think on it for a while but will likely be going with this one. Do you mind revising #386 like this too please? Thank you!
Wow these are amazing, thank you so much! Can you make the opening in the A a little bit bigger please? We'll have to keep looking at all your other versions to decide which green/gold combo we like the most, they are all so beautiful! Thank you.
Thanks for the feedback.
Please check, I've uploaded a new revised design with a few different colors and backgrounds.
Let me know if you have any feedback, questions and other information.
So that I can proceed with some revisions and variations in the direction you want.
Thank you!
Hi there, I tried to use the markup tool to describe what we want in this one. Can we make the peak of the open part higher and the raise the crossbar as well? We would like it to look more like an A. I also uploaded some photos of the colors we would like to use, as I was unable to describe them accurately in words. Thank you so much.
In the versions that have a green background, can we see it in a less black - green? They are a bit too dark for what we are looking for. I will try to find the right color number for what we want. Thank you!
Hi, thank you for the revisions! This is definitely getting closer to what we are looking for in the first letter/tent symbol. We are still hoping for it to represent the letter A a bit more, maybe this would include the cross bar that is in the letter, or the triangle space that makes it an A? Thank you so much.
Wow thank you! We like this one a lot! We love the shade of gold you used and the gradient effect. Can we make the tent a more obvious letter A somehow? Can we please see Arrow in gold like you have it here, and Event Rentals in dark emerald green? Can we also see a version with the background in dark emerald green and all the words in gold with the gradient effect you used? Thank you so much!
Hi there, can we see different variations of this one? We like the tents you use in your designs. We like the placement of the words but would love to see different fonts and colors of everything. Thank you!
Hi there, thank you for your submissions! We really enjoy your designs. We like the use of the tent as an A on this and would love to see different variations of the design. Can we see some with shades of greens and/or golds, some with the A maybe a bit more obviously an A, and different font options? Thank you for your work!
Comment Activity
Colored Background: just like #388
Black & White
Solid Colors
Thank you so much!!
Please check, I've uploaded a new revised design with a few different colors and backgrounds.
Let me know if you have any feedback, questions and other information.
So that I can proceed with some revisions and variations in the direction you want.
Thank you!