I really love the way you combined the A and R. No one has really done it quite like this. I love your shading as well. I am just not sure about the dot or is that an eye? Is there a way to make it look like a person? That might get complicated but just a passing thought. Thanks again!
Thanks again. Your design fit almost every aspect of what we were targeting. The only thing that gave us pause is that it looks a little heavier on the R than the A. Also, I know we won't go with red and blue as it looks a little political. Reminds us of Romney(which is not a problem) just does.I like that it can be stacked and off to the right. We need that feature for print versus apparel. I am leaning toward a deeper maroon and maybe something in the orange family with the gray. But I have some green hold outs over here so that is why I haven't put colors out there yet. Sorry. I will go through color pantone deck...
Thanks again. We are really torn between the top two designers. Can you do me one favor if you have time? Can you just do this design in one color so I can see how it will look on certain promo items? No worries if you can't, I can decide without. Much appreciated!
Thank you for all you have done. We will finalize our choice in the next day or so. I am sorry I can't do it sooner. It seems my associates are all traveling and I need to get their opinion too...unfortunately. Thank you very much.