The star is a nice touch. In additon to this version, please submit others. 1. One that shows 'Arizona Employers Advisory Council Business, business and Government working together' centered beneath graphic and eliminate AZ EAC. 2. The other version: leave graphic as is, add a space between AZEAC, change AZ to grey, Scale new AZ EAC to same height as Graphic, Eliminate 'Arizona Employers Advisory Council Business, business and Government working together'. 3. Another version: keep the graphic and Center 'Arizona Employers Advisory Council" and eliminate all other text. 4.Another version: keep the graphic and Center 'Arizona Employers Advisory Council" beneath and eliminate all other text. 5.Another version: keep the graphic and Center 'AZ Employers Advisory Council" beneath and eliminate all other text. 6. Another version: keep graphic as is, Scale EAC to same height as Graphic and change to grey. Eliminate 'Arizona Employers Advisory Council Business, business and Government working together'. 7. Another version: keep graphic as is, Scale EAC to same height as Graphic and change to navy blue. Eliminate 'Arizona Employers Advisory Council Business, business and Government working together'.
hi, thanks for feedback, but I can not update my design as your request because only the # 1 ranked designer can submit entries during judging mode, if you would switch my rank to # 1 for a while, I can update my design shortly.