Orientation is not a problem. Logo needs to be good shown horisontally and vertically. Some corporate identity items require vertical alignment. Thanks for the feedback. Do you want me to iterate submitted entries to be horizontally? Which one you like most?
Fair enough on your comment. It is unclear to me whether you can see the rankings and eliminations. I believe this particular design was eliminated. See those that have been ranked. I like the drop on the left that is simpler incorporating blue and/or green.
Dear CH, I provided you with 9 different design concept and you haven't provided any feedback on them. Without your participation and guidance this contest becomes a lottery for us (and you). Please provide us some comments, especially during the elimination. This particular concept resembles an exploration theme (drilling here) and natural resources (gas flame/oil drop). Thank you.
Clean and simple design which is not overused in your industry. Engravings and embroidery safe for apparel. Colors can be altered according to your taste. I like these. Thanks.
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