Hello Musicalryo, We love the designs you have made and are having a hard time deciding which to choose. I have not used this service before and dont know how it works. Will we be able to use both 10 and 12? for example for the front and back of our jersey's. Thanks
Hi, thanks for the words. I'm really glad to know that you like them. unfortunately per site terms, you only able to choose one design only as the winner. However, if you interested to have the second design, we can discuss it more further through email right after the contest completed. So if there's no changes needed, you can end the contest earlier so we can communicate directly through email. What do you think?
Yes, I saw that, and it asked me to rank a different designer for the top 4 spots, which I did but it still does not allow me to end it... oh, well. We are not in a hurry and I will just wait. Thanks for your help
Hello! Thank you for the files. two things... On the file you sent there is a green shadow on the large Arctic Ants. I could not see this on the small file that was on the tournement even when it was enlarged. Is it possible to remove this?
And also is it OK now to ask if we could also but the one with the face?