#19 The design is not pleasing to the eye, the mixed colors make the eye wander over the whole design, and doesnt provide a 'professional' look and feel - sorry but i dont like the design
#18 Thanks. The color change in ARCS is not very good to my eye. The logo part is smaller than the Assessor .... part looking horizontally across the logo. It therefore looks unbalanced
#11 and #13 These designs show some promise. The Font used for ARCS is good and the overall designs balanced. I think of the two I prefer #11. Can you provide some further alternatives around these concepts.
#22 Good work, this has a nice 'modern' look. When looking at the logo is speaks ARCS INTERNATIONAL - which I want it to portray. The INTERNATIONAL is in a different color, so this emphasises the dot INTERNATIONAL domain that i need everyone to remember, and the text on the left is the main scope of the site that needs to be visible, This has all elements that i have requested. Feel free to submit variants on this design concept, including other colors that might work. Everyone has gone ble, maybe for the professional look, but I am not necessarily set on blue. Other options would be considered #21 The proportions in the logo now look good. Everything has gone a bit grey ! The three elements do not stand out from each other ARCS - INTERNATIONAL - and the text element. Another go ?