Hi, Thanks for submission. The logo seems a little light for me. I like the idea of something totally different but I don't get the symbol of the "A" and the arc over the top and (4) squares. The colros can be different, but I would like them bold.
Hello mdsarch...thank you for the feedback ...little brief for my design ...tried to show a pen(blue color) creating an arc(grey color).. kinda construction(maybe a paper work)...and that four squares abstractly depicts the windows of the house...and all this within letter "A"... Regards Illusion
Hi Illusion, Thanks for the description. I find the "A" too abstract for what I am trying to achieve. I like #76 & #77 from my initial review but I wouldn't want this - it feels too corporate. I #75 could be good if developed more. The "A" needs to be defined a bit more - not sure what it is about the look. It is intriguing but I would like to see it developed more.