As you can tell, your design is different from the others we ranked, but we feel it has a lot of potential. Please provide variations. You may consider ways of incorporating the concept of technology more.
thank you very much for your ranking. I've just submitted some variations of the tree and fonts. Please, feel free to ask me for any modification you need.
Thank you for sending the variations - we really like the circuit concept. However, we feel the tree looks a little sick now (like all the leaves fell off)... where the tree in #34 looked very healthy... could you investigate keeping the circuit concept, but making the tree look a little more "alive"?... perhaps adding the solid tree trunk from #34 (we like the tree trunk design), with the circuits coming out the top... just an idea - but please feel free to they anything else you think will work too - we have high hopes for this design..
Also - we really liked the filled cross in #34... perhaps incorporating this filled cross with #64 would also help.
We also liked the contrast (shade of green) used in #34... but we are not sure about yellow for the cross- it looks nice, but could you investiage other colors too?
New entries #95, #96, #97, #98 and #99. With different solutions to make the tree more "alive". don't hesitate to ask me for any other modification you need.
Thanks - However, we still feel this concept is missing something - We like the "connectivity" of the circuit concept, but are a little concerned with how high above "Arbor" this tree extends...(perhaps consider centering text with tree) We also through the dark cross is a little too dark - and the filled in "balls", with the cross and the trunk seemed a bit too complex/busy... if you have other ideas we would be eager to see them...