wanted to try something different, using the bubbles to spell out the "a" and making the circle show depth and lighting to convey what you do. font and name placement can change to suit. enjoy!
Ref: Entry #7: I like the concept. You have the idea of water down, but I'm still looking for something that portrays lighting as our main focus. It got lost in your design. I like the choice of colors. Keep them coming.
Ref: Entry #9: I like how the logo and company name is seperate and could be used that way too. Still not so sure about the "a" in the bubbles. Too many tough desicions. LOL. Thank you and keep them coming.
Letter10Pro. I like the lettering for the company name in entry #9. Any other thoughts on the graphic before the name? Maybe something Abstract or to do with aquarium lighting? Thank you.
Ref: Entries #47, #48, #49: I like your thought process, but I'm looking for something more elegant and sophisticated. Our customers are use to purchasing high end equipment for their aquariums. Also, I'm trying to stay way from using just a fish in the logo because our lighting systems are designed for keeping the corals alive. It's ok to use a fish as long as there are coral(s) too. Or don't use either in it. Your idea with entry #9 was good. Just not sure I want the company name to be all lower case. I know it's a minor detail, but in our old logo the capital “A” was a big part of the company logo. It doesn't have to be exactly the same here. Like I said, I like #9, but if the graphic part is not going to have a lower case “a” in it I would think the company name spelled out should (have a capital “A”). I like your idea of beams of light shinning down on you in your earlier designs. Hope this helps. Thank you and keep them coming.
Ref: Entries #99 & #101: I like the new logo image. Simple enough that silkscreening or embrodering can be done, but enough detail to know it's about coral and lighting. The font for the company name could use some work. Looking for something that says elegant / classy, but don't make it where it can't easily be read. (AKA too much cursive) Include the tag line "Marine Aquarium Lighting" like in #99. I like the logo image to be next to the company name such as you have in #99. Thank you and keep them coming.
P.S. I like how in some of the designs you added a mirror image look to the font.