I realy like the letter font, please change the apricot image to something more abstract and modern, also I would like if you change the logo letter to yellow and the slogan letter to green or orange.
I like your good style, please send me more logos.
I realy like the apricot draw of entry #77 and #78 can you change the font of the slogan, I dont like cursiva writting and I would prefer the slogan in deep orange or brown color and the slogan in green please
I liked entry#127 the apricot image is realy good I want to keep that, but can you change the color of the slogan I am open to dark brown, dark blue or deep orange, please if you want you can make a version of all integrated inside a color square,the logo in white.
entry #146 please change the color to a mandarin orange please, and I would like to see the letters in orange and the background green please this is my last request.
In my last message I try to explain that I want the background in mandarin orange, not the logo, the logo perfect in white please make this last changed.