APRENDIZAJE INTELIGENTELogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / APRENDIZAJE INTELIGENTE APRENDIZAJE INTELIGENTE has selected their winning logo design. For $600 they received 312 designs from 28 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by ArtOne Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #207 Withdrawn Prefers others. #296 Withdrawn Prefers others. #295 Withdrawn Prefers others. #294 Withdrawn Prefers others. #293 Withdrawn Prefers others. #292 Withdrawn Prefers others. #268 Withdrawn Prefers others. #267 Withdrawn Prefers others. #266 Withdrawn Prefers others. #210 Withdrawn Prefers others. #209 Withdrawn Prefers others. #208 Withdrawn Prefers others. #122 Withdrawn Prefers others. #121 Withdrawn Prefers others. #120 Withdrawn Prefers others. #119 Withdrawn Prefers others. #118 Withdrawn Prefers others. #117 Withdrawn Prefers others. #94 Withdrawn Prefers others. #50 Withdrawn Prefers others. #49 Withdrawn Prefers others. #22 Discussion pmenichetti Client We want a more formal LOGO, our new website will have similar colours as www.seancovey.com , we think that as a corporate logo the font should be more formal, please work on that, thanks 12 years ago pmenichetti Client Hi,Can you do a logo like NAYAK VEND, using a similar boxLet's also include .NET as my website is Aprendizajeinteligente.net ,Thanks 12 years ago pmenichetti Client Hi, Please continue developing logos in a box like 207, thanks 12 years ago