I think we're there! Our team played with the colors to get them to match our palette. Here's a link to the low-res mock-up as well as all of the colors and their locations: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwnyyqY4XDtGM1JfVFRHNko0dUU/view?usp=sharing Once these are in place I think we have a winner! Thank you so much!
This is looking great! Please use the yellow from the dot in the surrounding triangle instead of the orange and make the dot the same grey as the logo outline. Thank you!
We really like the symbolism in this, what would make it likely to win is if it could have the color/fun look of some of the logo examples in the project description. For instance, Iceberg, Midwest, carpe. Thanks, let us know if you have any questions!
Comment Activity
-Top center green is 43a047
-Right side dark green is 00701a
-Left side light green is 76d275
-Outline is grey is 29434e
-Yellow dot is ffe54c
-Left side dark orange is c68400
-Right side lighter orange is ffb300
1. Switch the yellow in the top triangle for this color of orange: FF9900
2. Fill in the top dot with the same grey as the outlines: 12481E