Like the use of the "Peak" metaphor in #5. We do a lot of work in Sundance Utah and intentionally used the word PEAK to play off the mountain theme and PEAK performance. More with that would be interesting. Also like the play on the people to make the mountain!
We still like #1 but the star isn't our favorite. Also wondering if this could be made a bit more interesting with an additional color than just two shades of blue. It would still need to show two shades if printed black and white. For example a darker blue paired with a lighter gold.
As we mentioned, we like the "Peak" metaphor in #5. It's overpowering as an icon though. Is it possible to reduce it a bit and integrate it somehow with the name of the company.
Really liked the company name treatment with Entry # 8. No one has tried to connect the two "y" letters in Apply and Synergies. Don't know if the icon for 8 could be reworked to make that connection. Just a thought.
HI!! One change from the feedback our friends gave us. Can you make #8 with a the darker green for "Synergies" and make one of the people green as well? And use the Blue color from #43 (not as purple) for the Blue. Probably have the top Person Blue to align to our emphasis on APPLY and the lower one green. THANKS!! Love your work and responsiveness...