I absolutely love everything about this logo and it makes me want to find a reason to use a whale, but I think the owl makes more sense for a learning business. What if we use the same look, colors, fonts, etc, but make the center an owl or an owl flying off a tree branch?
I like this a lot! Love the font and the whale tail is really nice. I like how it still looks a bit like a tree and how the wave is also the divider between the tail and words. Can you try to lighten up the green on the left of the tail to make it more of a sea foam green?
I like this one! I like the font and I like the image on the left of the words. This is the first one I've seen like that. Don't love the image, but would love to see a similar layout with some of the other feedback I've left. I also think maybe 'Learning Design' should be a bit smaller here.
I like the neatness and simplicity of this one, but don't love the colors and because Apogee isn't a common word, I'd be afraid that the person reading it wouldn't know the O was an O.
Again, really drawn the the font and style of this one. I think I prefer the other because of the division, but if this one had one owl or a whale tail, the simplicity of the single image may be perfect. Thank you so much for sharing your work!
Love this design! I really like the font and the kerning. I also really like the use of two fonts and I like the division of the bird image and then the words. Very clean and neat. Great use color too. Don't love the birds though. Can you try something with an owl instead? Or maybe even a whale tale - the other animal I love.
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Tnks Viki