I really like the design..... is there any way you can make the upper text... "Anthony's"......a little larger, maybe even a more bold text? "Anthony's" needs to be the focus of the logo!.... but that is up to your artistic interpretation.
I like everything else if you can incorporate it? Keep "Anthony's" on top and larger/more bold text in black. I would like to see "paninoteca" in both black but blue as well, as I like two tone........ feel to experiment with the text, font & letter style, I would love to see your artistic interpretation
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Please check updated my designs. Thank you.
Can you make the Anthony’s just slightly larger and Paninoteca in Blue text
Please check my designs updated.
I like everything else if you can incorporate it? Keep "Anthony's" on top and larger/more bold text in black. I would like to see "paninoteca" in both black but blue as well, as I like two tone........ feel to experiment with the text, font & letter style, I would love to see your artistic interpretation
Please check my updated designs. Thank you for feedback!