Entry #40 - we'd like to see this in a round logo with more colors. We would also like to see a different font where animas is similar in size to brewing company (or make brewing co stand out more). We really like the two brothers logo (see uploaded attachments) but would want more color and a mountain/River incorporated where the have their swirl emblem.
Entry 65 & 66: We like these new revisions, however, we need Animas to be larger. Maybe the mountain could be in the background and then Animas could be made larger? Also, we like the barley on the sides of the logo but I think we would want to replace the hops at the bottom with our location. For now we can just put Colorado there.
Entry 66: could we see this as a rectangle logo so that Animas can be larger at the top without blocking then mountain? We'd Also love to see the river a little narrower and winding so it come down to the bottom off the logo. Thank you!