We are really interested in a logo with that isn't too busy, yet still has character. We'd like to have a signature font. We really like Two Brothers Brewing Co - simple but interesting. Incorporating a River and mountains are nice. We are less interested in plain or generic logos. We'd really like something fun, simple, and with a unique flair
We really like the mountain in this logo. Would it be possible to alter the mountains so you use just the right two mountains and incorporate a winding river. Please check out the doodles I uploaded and the Two Brothers Logo I uploaded. I'd love to be able to combine the two into a logo.
The above comments were in reference to entry #20.
For entry #18, we'd like to see brighter (and more) colors. We like that there is both the mountain and river. I don't really like the font and would be interested in seeing a different font - please see some of the font examples we have uploaded.
Entry #28 - We really like how this one is coming along. Would you please remove the 2014 from the logo. And could we please see it as a round logo and also as an oval logo?
Entry #27 - Thanks for manipulating this one - you are on the right track. Could you try doing it as a circle design instead of an oval so that Brewing Co. is larger. I think that will help identify it as a brewpub. Also, could we try this one in bright colors rather just the navy/white theme.
Entry #35 Is it possible to make this type of design with multiple colors (like the other logo?) So maybe the river in blue, the mountains in purple, the font in green, and then have either a white or greyish background? Maybe the mountains could be a little smaller and higher so the ANIMAS can be more centered. The river a little narrower so then Brewing Co could be larger also?
Entry #28 We still really like these designs - just trying to figure out what shape we prefer.
Entry#30 - can we take the =marks out on either side of brewing co. and replace with hops or barley? Also, we are thinking we might want to incorporate our location into the logo. Is there room to move Brewing Co up into the orange part of the logo and then we could put our location in the green area?
Entry #63- could we see this logo with different colors. Maybe blue sky, some purple and orange on the mountains and then green down below under Animas? Thank you!
Entry #63: maybe we could also shift the logo up so there is less sky at the top of the logo (zoom in essentially). I'm also still having a hard time with fonts Do you have any suggestions for something that might make it more unique? Maybe all lowercase or a legible script type writing? What do you think? Thanks!
Entry 74- let's go back to the mountains being yellow and back to the river being blue.. I like the green that was added. Can you please turn the sky a similar blue to the river. ( like back in entry. 30) and remove the clouds? Also let's just go back to the font in 63. Thank you
Could you please do entry 79 with the grey mountains used in entry 88? And then try Animas in maybe a solid navy? This is so much harder that I thought! Thank you for your patience.
I like what you did to the stream and bottom of the mountains in 125 to add dimension . Can you please do that to 124 (but not outline the mountains). Thanks