Can we get rid of the banner look? The lettering for Angkor should follow the curve. The word pepper needs to stand out more. Can you add colours: red, black, green, white to the peppercorns on the vine at the top? Looks great otherwise!
Hello. Can you keep the "O" in the word "Angkor" and add some shading to the pepper kernels to make it look more realistic? Can you redesign the rest of the logo to make it less crowded. Can you look at the other logos in the ranking for direction here? Using more muted shades of red and green will make it look more luxury. Love the idea of the "O" integration, no other designer has done this! The words "Kampot, Cambodia" should be added as a subtext somewhere on the logo.
Can you change the font to look more refined and luxury? Add the region Kampot or "Quality Kampot Pepper" somewhere. Can you add the pepper graphic in the "O" please?
Can we remove the 2024 and refine the logo to look slightly more simplistic? It would be nice to see a font that looks more "expensive" looking and less like an Italian restaurant. But other than that, great stuff! <3
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