Thank you so much for submitting ideas for my Ambient PR logo. I really like where you're going. So far, I like Entry # 7 best. (I don't respond well to the brown color used in Entry #5 and I would like the letter "a" in "Ambient" to look more like the actual letter "A". (my current logo which I don't want to share to influence anyone...has a hand drawn "A" and I'd like to get away from that.) The entry #5 "A" is interesting -- very Adobe like -- but don't want to use that. I'm wondering on Entry #7 if you could take the swirl in the "A" and keep it inside the borders of the block. Also, can I see #7 without the tagline "for creative industries" [Not sure if tag lines are good for SEO?] Lastly, on #7, can I see the purple with another color other than the green? I'm not totally opposed to the green, but wonder if there are any other combinations with purple that I could consider.
Hi there. I really love the updates. As much as I love lavender and turquoise together (it happens to be one of my favorite color combinations!) I'm not sure I'm okay with it for my company logo...need to think on this. I'm trending towards #9 and #11. The grey color gives it a little "I mean business" but the yellow and purple let people know I'm creative, flexible. Can you make one additional tweak to both #9 and #11 -- can you shorten the swirly tail of the "A" in "Ambient" so that it's the same shape with the tapered end but finishes somewhere near the "m" in "Ambient"? Hope I've made this clear. If not, please let me know. Thanks again for making these changes...appreciate your time on this...
Great updates! I like so many of the designs. I think for the sake of my current needs, I'm trending towards #27 & 28. Last question. Is it possible to make the swirl coming from the "A" in Ambient just a tad shorter and perhaps a mega-tad thinner? I'm thinking that if the swirl would extend just beyond the "A" and end at the upper left edge of the "m", that would due great. (I actually love the long swirls and the original concept but think the more restrained swirl inside the rectangle will work best.
Thank you for making this round of changes. Hopefully it will be the last. Best,
Hi again...thanks for submitting some great work. I spoke to another designer who will be working with me on a new website and he said the design with the longer swirl -- which is what you initially submitted -- would work well on social media sites, etc. That is the design that I liked from the beginning. If I were to need any slight modifications with respect to color, etc. , after the contest is over, would you be available? Best, Vicky
Hi again PSTO, I've extended the contest for another two days. So, I'm back to thinking the extended swirl/swoop beyond the borders of the logo is probably not best. With respect to entry #36 -- currently in first place -- can you modify the swoop in a few ways for me to see? I'm thinking the swoop could be a bit "thinner" slightly more tapered. Also, can I see a "closed" "A" with the swoop coming through it? Can I see a couple of other font choices that you think might also work? I like the one you've got but thought you might have some ideas. Lastly, can I see the design you've done with the Ambient in purple font, the PR in grey against a white background (only, if you think that makes good design sense) Thanks much and please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks much, I'm liking 114 & 115 but no star - it's too cutesy. The last idea I'd like to see is: #114 & 115 without the star and #36 with new and more narrow swirl but could the swirl be a little more horizontal (not so vertical?)
One last request...would it be too boring to have both Ambient and PR in all purple either on a grey background or just with a hint of grey? Please let me know your thoughts...
Thanks PSTO...what I was trying to communicate before these last updates --
#118 with the Ambient PR all in purple against a different color background And, also shortening the swoop again and making it a little less vertical so that it more closely resembles an "A" but not exactly.
Hi there...I like the updates...I'm not fond of the big box around #129. And, I think the purple against the grey needs something more to make it visually "pop".
I so like #128 best so far for my present needs, I think, however, that it needs something...not sure what. Could you try to make a very thin line of grey on the top of the swoop in "A" so it would look like a line of grey, then the white, then the purple. And try to outline perhaps just the inside of the "P" and the "R" in purple. Looking for this to be subtle.