I like 59 & 60. I think the Amarillo is a little too frilly for me. Can you work Amarillo into ClearStone? I like where you are going with the house/star, but it just doesn't seem quite right. there is a lot going on with it. Open to new ideas instead of the house/star. Open to other colors too.
I like 76 the best. a few suggestions ClearStone a little more dominant than Amarillo The Star/house a little less dominant. I like the Amarillo in 59 a little better. Thanks
I like 107, On the Incorporated, Can you spead it out along the bottom or omit it altogether? Maybe a swipe or line on the bottom, shadow or something else...or nothing. Thanks
I Like 111. Can you scoot the house in the star over a little the left leg of the star is short. I like the colors you have, but can you experiment with some other combinatins? Thanks
Like 121 the best so far. Like the Fonts in Amarillo and ClearStone and Inc. Not totally sold on the star and house...maybe something totally different. thanks
A thought -- Can you impose a Star in the middle of Clear(star)Stone and take away the onw with the house? But still open to something different. thanks