Thank you very much for the feedback. Here are my concept of a dove graphics. Its a simple but clean. I hope that you like it #105 #106 #107 #108 and #109 . I will going to submit soon a unique design . I am thinking of a jar, which has a little crack and the water spill from the jar fill up the foot prints? Please tell me if you like it?
110 (This may be a repeat - but it doesn't appear that my earlier message made it through the system.) I like the jug approach as a basis of a graphic. What his here appears to busy however. Your design caused me to think of the story about turning water into wine, i.e. turning investments into bodily nourishment. Perhaps human hands could form the shape of a jug. Perhaps grapes would fit in?
Hi contest holder , thank you very much for your feedback. Here are my revisions with a water in a jug turning into a wine #123 and #124 . Hope that you like it. God bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for these. Let's see what they would look like if the hands were reversed so they point upward. Also, eliminate the red "spikes" and the black base. See my latest post to general comments.
Hi contest holder. Thanks very much for your guides. Here is my revisions I hope that you like the version I made #157 #158 #159 and #160 . Looking forward for your more guide. God bless!