Hey loopDloop, thanks for your designs! Can you please make a change to #36...we like that the best so far:
Please straighten the A...but still have it extend up for the antenna. Can you change the waves around the top to be more like #40? Also, can you add bars (like cell phone reception bars) above the Y? 4 or 5 bars if they fit.
Just so you know, i didn't just move you into 4th place for you to submit. I think you have a chance at winning...please submit your revisions! Thanks for your patience and work!!!
Looking forward to some freshly brewed beverages while i review your freshly brewed adjustments :)
Thanks for the encouragement and putting me back in the competition, dblclicksystems. I know you only wanted the "A" to be upright. However, I can't leave the "llegheny" italicized. Just doesn't work, because the kerning (space between letters) would be off. What do you think of #61? I wanted the logo to be clean and effectively provide the idea behind the service, considering the added elements. That was a challenge. May seem simple but execution was crucial. Did i get away with it? ;)
Please advise if you need any further adjustments on the design, dblclicksystems.