Hi OcH@,
We spent a few time to think about the final logo,
we reconsidered #132, but we would like it to be similar to this:
http://alittleb.it/public/doc/test.pngFrom now on we would like you to work just on this concept you can see in the link, for we like the idea, but not very much the way it looks like.
We definitely like the idea of the abstract imaging figuring a pixel composition to a circular form :)
just a couple of things:
- please, would you work on the example inside the link? trying to well fit the lettering with the image? we want both lettering and abstract image well fitted together: more plain, with a font that goes well with the image.
- could we see a couple of monochromatic examples? one black logo in white background and one white logo in black background.
Very important -> unleash your creativity, you are very free to change the cicle thickness and depth and lettering fonts, as you want...
if you have any question, just ask :)
thanks for your efforts