Thanks for your concept. To me, this looks a bit more industrial than what I'm looking for...any other concepts that are a bit sleeker and could go head to head with large global consulting brands?
I like entry 13...could the LLC be smaller and how do you represent the balance between Strategy, Operations, and People to achieve results?
14 in also interesting but a bit too literal...if I were a law firm it might work but more about business consulting.
Thanks very much for your ideas! Don't be afraid to push outside of what you see so far...simple, sleek, professional, but tied to my company mission and slogan will win the contest.
in your latest the slogan is a typo...should be the instead of che.
I liked the blue color...any way you can incorporate the graphic into the entire business name? I've not seen any others do that...might be a good differentiator.
Thanks #44 looks much better. Take a look at the slogan...there is still a mistake in the slogan...Creating Che and should be Creating the...
I'd welcome your ideas along a different might you play on the word Alibrium...which is all about the best balance between Strategy, Operations, and People to create superior business results. I like the graphic that you included that shows increasing results...what other shapes might you play with. I'm open to creative as long as I can compete with the big global brands...creative and simple would be best.