entry 16 is more my preference...great progress! How could you take the shape and replace a letter...maybe the A in Alibrium? Also, should incorporate the LLC somewhere, as it is a part of the company name.
Thanks very much! I'd be interested if you have other ideas besides triangular shapes...that seems to be a theme in the designs I'm getting...is there any other way to tie together Strategy, Operations, People and Results together in a simple, professional graphic?
40 is a great step in the right direction 41...I really like that you are exploring different fonts. Maybe something a bit more professional...love the graphic. How are you showing that by balancing 3 things (Strategy, Operations, People) you achieve superior Results with the graphic? I am very partial to it all being on one line...and with the comany name and the slogan all the same length (not the same size). If there is any way to incorporate the graphic into the name that is great...maybe have the graphic to the left and have a version of it in the name somewhere...